If you ever wondered if Chinese-Canadian communities in British Columbia truly care about the social welfare of our province, you only have to look at the work done by Sunny Leung and all those who volunteer year after year raising millions of dollars for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, with events like the Chinese-Canadian Miracle Weekend coming at the end of May.
I was at an information-sharing session in Vancouver a couple of years ago headed by the federal opposition critic for foreign affairs and attended by many of the business and social leaders of the Chinese-Canadian community in British Columbia. There were many different themes to this daylong conference ranging from immigration to economic trade opportunities to English as a second language in schools. Not so surprising, if you are connected to the Chinese-Canadian community, was that despite the wide range of topics discussed, the one theme that resonated most and was common to every member of each organization in attendance was the determination to work positive integration into the social fabric of the community.
As members of a multicultural Pacific Rim community, integration occurs at many levels and in different forms. Learning English is obviously a core step. Settling in with property purchases, buying a car for freedom of movement, dining out at restaurants and shopping for home and lifestyle products all contribute to community. Children attending local schools and immigrants working in, or starting businesses are all important steps in successful integration into British Columbia. As time passes the feeling that Vancouver is truly a home to be coveted resonates strongly. The appreciation of good fortune takes hold and generates a desire to give back to their chosen community in a way that supports its character and strength. ■
Harry van Hemmen, Publisher
Boulevard Chinese magazine
本地華裔社群在過去數十年來不遺餘力地支持卑詩省兒童醫院。每年,華裔社群都為醫院籌辦各類型的活動。一年一度的”愛心大行動”在五月三十一日將邁進第廿六年頭。 我們亦剛剛慶祝了”天下父母心”籌款晚宴的第十九個週年,數百華裔善長共襄善舉。
在過去近三十年,華人社群為卑詩省兒童醫院的急切需求,例如兒童精神健康護理、兒童癌病及糖尿病研究等籌得過千萬元。華裔社群更剛為在 2018年開幕的新兒童醫院兒科癌症病房籌得五百萬元善款。 我們深信像卑詩省兒童醫院基金會的機構及 Boulevard Chinese 雜誌都有責任透過加強公眾對社區的認知,集合大眾的力量,去建設一個更團結、美好的社會。
華裔社群多年以來對卑詩省兒童的關懷,是有目共睹,還有年青一代的熱誠參與更令我感到鼓舞。 青少年及剛踏入社會的年輕人都開始為卑詩省兒童醫院出一份力。當我問他們的動力從何而來時,他們的答案總是令人對未來充滿希望。他們有告訴我是被長輩而啟發,也有覺得作為卑詩省的一份子,要確保所有卑詩省兒童都有機會成功及健康的成長。
除了個人支持以外,我們也很慶幸得到許多不同商號及團體透過捐款或活動贊助的支持。活動贊助往往是雙贏的。 贊助商不但透過對我們籌款活動的支持而得到各種曝光的機會, 贊助經費亦能用作支付活動開支,讓我們將更多善款用來提升醫療水準,幫助更多兒童。