I’m just living the way everyone else really wants to. You’d do the same.
Optimum luxury, that’s my game. Don’t care if you look down on me, don’t care if you think I am showing off, bragging, putting myself at the forefront of the latest technolgies and designs.
Got to have a new BMW, Mercedes.Can’t decide which?Buy a Lexus, I’ll buy a BMW. Buy an Audi, I’ll buy a Mercedes, the best Tesla, a Ferrari and maybe a Bentley for long trips. Will it ever end? I hope not. Don’t bore me and my super cruise control.

A Mirror Crawling With Golden Spiders
I’ll one-up you as is in my and your nature. Believe it, and once I have it all I’ll look for something different. I’m just living the way everyone else really wants to. You’d do the same. A lamp with a hand on it, a mirror crawling with golden spiders or a Dali Scuplture. Butterfuly Jade, Diamond studded watches, personalized gold, rare pearls! Will it ever end? I hope not. Don’t bore me and my gold fish.