reinvent your kitchen
Euro-line Appliances has introduced The Galley, a multi-purpose workstation that eclipses traditional island or countertop designs with its intelligent configurations. From double-tier basins and taps to cleverly designed accessories, The Galley collection has more than 50 products for customization, including built-in and free-standing workstations in all shapes and sizes, as well as cutting boards, bowls, colanders, drain racks, drain covers and specialty serving boards.
Euro-Line Appliances Inc. is distributing The Galley through select Canadian appliance dealers and kitchen design studios, as well as the company’s showrooms in Toronto and Vancouver.
Euro-line家電公司推出一個多用途工作站The Galley,其智能配置令傳統的中央島或檯面設計黯然失色。The Galley突出了備餐的功能、協作、對話和樂趣,讓準備、烹飪、服務、娛樂和清理過程別具一格。
從精心設計的雙層水槽和水龍頭到設計巧妙的配件,The Galley系列有50多種產品可供定製,包括各種形狀和尺寸的嵌入式和獨立式工作站,以及砧板、碗、過濾網、排水架、排水蓋和專業砧板。
欲購The Galley,可前往Euro-Line Appliances Inc.選定的加拿大電器經銷商和廚房設計工作室,以及該公司在多倫多和溫哥華的陳列室。