WORDS Chloe Sjuberg

Entertainment and lifestyle reporter Natalie Langston has always thrived on a sense of achievement. Growing up in the suburbs of Vancouver, she took part in just about every sport and activity imaginable, including starting dance at age three and entering competitions by four.
“Dance paved the way for my competitive edge, constant drive and motivation,” she says.
Her reporting career is a childhood ambition made reality. She remembers telling her Grade 4 class that she wanted to be an anchorwoman when she grew up. Sure enough, she became Novus TV’s youngest host while studying broadcast journalism at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Since then, she’s gone on to be a lifestyle reporter on Global TV and Breakfast Television, fitness reporter for BC Living, lifestyle editor at Iconic Concierge magazine, and more.
“I love the variety my work provides,” Natalie says. “Meeting new people and having new experiences is invigorating.”
She also loves sharing people’s stories about what makes them unique. Memorable people she’s interviewed include David Suzuki at the JUNO Awards in Vancouver, and Matt Damon at a Toronto International Film Festival movie premiere.
Now a mom of two toddlers, Pierce and Bence, Natalie is finding new ways to foster her entrepreneurial spirit and share stories with her community. On her website, natalielangston.com, she offers tips and tricks for family life, and writes about healthy living, home decor and more, partnering with socially and environmentally conscious Canadian brands wherever she can.
“Sharing has always been a part of who I am, so it felt natural for me to move into the online space. It’s important for me to figure out ways to maintain my lifestyle while also being there for my kids, and I’m eager to help other moms do the same!”
A recent feature on the site is a beautiful room-by-room tour of her home. Asked which room is her favourite, she answers without hesitation: “The playroom for sure! I put so much heart into this room with meaningful art pieces, pictures on canvas of the boys, growth charts…books selected for each of the boys so carefully. We spend many hours engaged in play here. It’s the perfect space to be creative and imaginative together.”
And what advice she would offer to other busy parents balancing work, family and time for themselves?
“Coffee,” she laughs. “And ask for help from friends and family when you can! Don’t try to be a hero and do everything yourself—you’ll burn out faster than if you took it easier on yourself.”
She also takes time for herself to de-stress and recharge however she can.
“Some days it’s yoga, running or spin. Other days if I just get out for a walk in the fresh air with Pierce and Bence that makes me happy. It’s all about being kind to your body and soul, and really listening to give them what they need.”
Maintaining her business and brand throughout pregnancy and parenthood has taught Natalie a lot about balance, but the journey has been completely worth it.
“Before I had them, I couldn’t imagine the joy I would get from being with my children. My life has forever changed and I could not be happier.”
The 7 Sins
Whose shoes would you like to walk in?
A woman in power who has the ability to make changes or lead the collective consciousness to a better place, like feminist journalist and activist Gloria Steinem. In addition to women’s rights, she has helped fight to end oppressions she didn’t experience herself, including homophobia and racial inequalities. She has used her platform to speak out about many taboo topics and give a voice to others who were otherwise ignored. That’s what I hope to do one day.
What is the food you could eat over and over again?
New York cheesecake with fresh strawberries—a classic!
You’re given $1 million that you have to spend selfishly. What would you spend it on?
A Disney cruise with my family to Hawaii to start with! Then, I’d use the rest for therapeutic spa and skin treatments. Ahhh, regular massages and fabulous facials, and the best treatments from around the world focusing on personal health, relaxation and rejuvenation!
Pet peeves?
When we move backwards instead of forwards in regards to women’s rights. And any abuse of animals is intolerable to me!
Where would you spend a long time doing nothing?
Walking along a warm, sunny white sand beach where I can clear my mind and feel free. I think my first choice would be Tahiti. Maybe I’d do some yoga and meditation while I’m there. I could also spend hours sitting on a patio looking out at the beach and ocean, reading an interior design book, and be perfectly happy.
What is the one thing you’re secretly proud of?
The growth I’ve made over the last few years, both personally and in my motherhood journey. After having my son Bence, I feel that I’ve really settled into this new layer of myself. I love juggling it all—work, motherhood, family life and everything in between.
What makes your heart beat faster?
When I’m in front of the camera doing what I love: interviewing an exciting, notable person in our community, who is making significant changes in the world. When I held the microphone for the first story I reported, I remember I felt alive, I felt a sense of purpose and a rush of energy. It confirmed to me that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, doing exactly what I loved most!