The feel-good power of singing in a choir Words Jane ZatylnyPhotography Lia Crowe I love to sing—privately. In the shower. In the car. And around the house. I’ve never thought I was good enough to sing in any kind of public way. But singing in a choir, I’m learning, is …
The show must go on… the table
Theatrically themed foods throughout the ages Words Ellie ShorttPhotography Don Denton If all the world’s a stage, then is everything we do, create, even consume, a performance? Are the seemingly simple daily tasks of grocery shopping, cooking and eating some sort of …
Flamenco, sherry, culture and charm in Jerez de la Frontera Words + Photography Lia Crowe Every year, for two weeks in February and March, flamenco lovers from around the globe descend on Jerez de la Frontera for the annual Festival de Jerez, a flamenco festival that offers …
Secrets and lives — and the 7 sins with Martin Mayer
WORDS ANGELA COWANPHOTOGRAPHY Kevin clark At just 18 years old, pianist and composer Martin Mayer took out a $35,000 loan to produce his dream debut concert, and in the 20-plus years since, that determination and willingness to bet on himself and his passion has built Martin …
Secrets and lives — and the 7 sins with Martin MayerRead More
on tour
Words & Illustration by Sierra Lundy Following is an excerpt from a tour journal written by Sierra Lundy, who, along with Jon Middleton, is part of the indie folk duo Ocie Elliott. This journal entry describes one day of a US tour undertaken last year with Australian folk …
Take it slow… and even slower
Lessons from a slow-food lifestyle Words Ellie ShorttPhotography Don Denton In 2020 the world slowed down. It was a forced slowing down with heartbreak and consequences, but for some individuals, communities and even industries, there were profound lessons …
Willamette Valley 邂逅酒鄉之魂
圖文: Bowen ZHang 俄勒岡州威拉米特谷(Willamette Valley)素有黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)天堂的美譽,擁有該州三分之二的黑皮諾葡萄園和酒莊。我多次驅車南下,享受這裏的美食佳釀和風輕雲淡的休閑時光。不過,隨著時間的流逝,記憶慢慢淡去,最難忘的仍是那些揮灑激情、為這片土地賦予靈魂的人們。 Suzanne & Bob 從俄勒岡州首府 Salem 西行 20 …
Edible Garden 春華秋實
于永旭和她的可食用花園 撰文: Bei Jiang, 圖片: Yongxu Yu 最理想的生活狀態是什麼呢?我在師姐那裏找到了答案。 于永旭,BC大學景觀建築學的師姐,曾在世界上頂尖設計事務所擔綱主持,足跡遍及全世界,直到 2014 …
Linh Cafe 法餐越菜一家親
圖文: Iris Yim 一個假設的問題,一個肯定的答案:假如離開溫哥華的話,我會懷念些什麼? 清風明月潔淨水源清新空氣自然不在話下,在我的懷念清單裡,必然還有一碗 Linh Café 的越南河粉。 Linh Café 兼有越式及法式美食,在溫哥華是只此一家。 市中心 Linh Café 佔了約兩層樓高的空間,加上一邊長窗自頂至底把天然光盡情引入,因而顯得份外高廣闊落。餐廳高高的天花板髹上了鵝黃色,全店滿鋪白黑灰地磚,近門口處有一張約 25 …
Better sex as you age 中年女性的理想性生活