Creating a modern aesthetic and space to accommodate multiple generations Words Lisa ManfieldPhotography INFrame Real Estate, Janis Nicolay What makes a house a home? For the designer of this modern 7,345-square-foot home located on a lush and quiet residential street in …
Tanya Jade 跨越邊界
在自我尋找中獲得奔跑的力量 撰文: Lingli Kong, 攝影: Veronica Bonderud 初次看到 Tanya 的照片,你會被她那雙清澈而大眼睛而吸引。她是一種非常典型的中西合璧,隔著屏幕都能感受到她深邃的美。 Tanya …
Verge Motorcycles 明星級電動摩托車
撰文: Feng Yan圖片: Verge Motorcycles 芬蘭電動摩托車製造商 Verge Motorcycles 與世界著名的 F1 傳奇人物 Mika Häkkinen合作,推出一款超級電動摩托車,簽名版限售 100 輛。 該款超級摩托車將大膽時尚的設計與 Verge 的獨特技術相結合,代表了市場上最強大、最先進的電動超級摩托車,續航里程 350 公里,快速充電僅需 35 分鐘。 該款摩托車采用 Verge …
Luxury sailing in the Caribbean 揚帆遠航與海盜傳奇
撰文/ 攝影: Robin Esrock 對富有的聖巴特島 (St. Barts)居民來説,那些滿載巨富和名流的大型遊艇早已司空見慣。不過,對常人來説,除非你認識一位億萬富翁,否則很難靠近這些游艇,更不用說搭乘海灣中最美的一艘船了。 這是 SPV Star Flyer 的乘客們喋喋不休的一個話題。眼前這艘 16 帆快速帆船格外引人注目,有 4 根高聳的桅杆、拋光的柚木飾邊和巨大的白帆。從地中海到加勒比海,看起來像是一艘穿越時空的 18 世紀的海盜船 。 乘坐舒適的帆船遠航是許多人的夢想,尤其是那些浪漫主義者。當我於傍晚時分在 St. …
Tetsu Sushi Bar 江戸前風味
撰文: Iris Yim, 攝影: Leila Kwok, 圖片提供:Tetsu Sushi Bar 且讓我們先從Tetsu Sushi Bar主廚牧瀨智(Satoshi Makise)的雙手說起。 誰都知道吃日本料理廚師發辦(omakase)的最佳座位是坐在正對著主廚操作的壽司吧,除了因為有機會與主廚互動,了解食材精妙所在之外,當菜式上桌時亦可掌握食物的最佳溫度和質感秒速享用。 然而坐在Tetsu Sushi Bar的壽司吧前還有一個好處:你可以仔細地欣賞Chef …
The big backcountry reveal 北部野外探險
夏季到訪 Northern Escape 山間旅舍,一系列的冒險活動令人難忘。 撰文: Suzanne Morphet 遺憾的是,儘管卑詩省有幾十個越野滑雪旅舍,大多數看不見、摸不著,因此也許我們大多數人都不會體驗到。直升機滑雪的起價約為每人每天 1200 …
Meditative matters
Words Kaisha Scofield Several years ago, my mother spent a month in Myanmar (Burma), where she participated in a silent meditation retreat. She spent 30 days eating, sleeping, walking, bathing, engaging in all of life’s activities, without making a sound. At the time, when …
Taste of Greece
Vancouver sisters turn to their roots to spice up the seasoning industry Words Joanne Peters X Photography Lia Crowe Sisters Nora Iliakis and Jenny Siormanolakis have shared a love of food for as long as they can remember. When they weren’t cooking by their parents’ sides …
Element of the unexpected
Revelling in surprises during a Nanoose Bay getaway By Susan LundyPhotos courtesy Fairwinds Wrapped in blankets and tucked into an L-shaped couch beside a gas-powered fire bowl, my daughter and I sit outside on the deck of our “home for the night” at Fairwinds Residences in …
It’s all about the experience
Abdel Karim Awwad is a master of etiquette, protocol and the creation of unrivalled customer experiences Words Lauren KramerPhotography Lia Crowe As sales and marketing manager for Brian Jessel BMW, Abdel Karim Awwad is at the forefront of the customer experience and in …