Just back from a whirlwind tour through the Campania region of Southern Italy, and I must say, what an enlightening adventure it was. …
15 Best Value Wines at VIWF
By Michael Lam Translated by Yu Zhang The 41st annual Vancouver International Wine Festival took place between February 23-March 3, 2019. I have attended this world class festival since the mid-90s and am always interested to share my experience. Each year I would attend …
Vancouver International Wine Festival: Experts’ Picks 专家荐酒
Boulevard 中文杂志邀请到4位品酒专家和葡萄酒评论家推荐他们在这次酒节上最爱的美酒。 …
Vancouver International Wine Festival: Experts’ Picks 专家荐酒Read More
Vancouver International Wine Festival 葡萄酒节 识美酒
说实话,前一阵过的是晕晕乎乎,不过异常开心——从2月19日直到3月1日的温哥华国际葡萄酒节,让我有各种机会接触到世界各地的葡萄酒,终日徜徉酒海,真是快哉! …