All dressed by Reclamation Designs available at
Makeup and hair by Erica Harris and Erin Bradley

Trista Smith, creator and owner of Reclamation Designs, invites Boulevard to Reclamation’s studio headquarters for a day of whimsy, fun and a little fantasy. Joining in the whimsical journey is Reclamation’s design and sewing team, made up of designers Stefanie Kos and Emily Webb, dress rental manager Chloë Piwek and design assistant Aisling Goodman, wearing a selection of dresses they have created. Primarily using vintage and antique lace, Trista’s designs are made to fit a range of sizes and to flatter the female form. This has led to a client base of people from all over the world. Come with us on a deep dive into a celebration of femininity and an inside look at a “made in BC” company bringing beauty to the world.

受Reclamation Designs的創辦人Trista Smith之邀,我們Boulevard雜誌前往他們的總部,度過一個快樂,奇異,甚至有點夢幻的旅程。
在Reclamation從事設計和針織的Stefanie Kos, Emily Webb, Chloë Nielle,還有Aisling Goodman也都加入我們的行列,並穿上她們親手針織的美裙。
Trista 的設計主要用古典蕾絲針織而成,充滿復古風格,符合任何體型,襯托出女人的體態,銷往世界各地。
欲購請前往 https://www.wearereclamation.com/。