Styling Lia Crowe + Jenny Mckinney X PHOTOGRAPHY Darren Hull
Against a backdrop of rolling grasslands and shimmering aspens at Seven Half Diamond Ranch in the stunning Thompson-Nicola Valley, Boulevard presents fashion from BC brands that honour and reflect the incredible lifestyle this province offers. Start with the building blocks of wool, cashmere, denim and leather, add in fabric with feminine flow and get set to explore the high country with the scent of dry grass and wild sage in your nose, and the screech of eagles and rustle of the wind in your ear.
起伏的草原,高高的白楊樹,令人驚嘆的湯普森-尼古拉山谷(Thompson-Nicola Valley)的秋日美景爲我們展現BC本土時尚品牌提供了絕佳背景,並彰顯這裏令人向往的生活方式。就讓我們從羊毛,羊絨,牛仔布和皮革開始,加上富有女性柔韌性的面料,然後開始探索Seven Half Diamond Ranch高地牧場。空氣中,彌漫著乾草和鼠尾草的氣味;耳邊,不時傳來鷹的尖叫聲,還有,沙沙作響的風聲…
Makeup and hair by Jenny McKinney.
Model Jayda Stephens represented by Mode Models.
Photographed on local at Seven Half Diamond Ranch: thank you to Justin, Heather and Jim O’Connor for graciously hosting our fashion team for the day. (See page 74 for more information on the ranch.) Also, a huge thank you to Stephanie Travers: artist, farrier, horse trainer and teacher, for being a part of our shoot and bringing her beautiful horse, Duende, a Palomino Lusitano filly.