Finding the golden thread
Words by Dawn Sondergaard
Photography by Janis Nicolay @pineconecamp
Before figuring out the square footage, or the cost per square foot, it’s a good idea to understand the “why” and “what for” of your home-building project. Tackling these high-level questions first with your interior designer will enable you to make the right decisions, ultimately saving you time and money.
According to HAVAN member Ami McKay, principal interior designer of Pure Design, “An interior designer’s job is to match who you are with the space you live in. So when you’re planning a major renovation or looking to build your dream home, it’s the designer’s job to find what lights you up!”
So, what is your goal? Is the purpose of your new kitchen to upgrade the value of your home, is it to improve the setting for intimate family gatherings, or is it to manage the kids’ constant need for food?
Getting to know who you are and how you live will help the interior designer pull together the aesthetics of your home. From helping to define the use of space, to designing the lighting schematics, plus sourcing all material selections and finishings, the more information you share up-front with your interior designer, the better the outcome will be.
Expect to have intimate and open discussions early in the building process. Your designer will want to know the ins and outs of how you and your family live.
Ami says, “Don’t be shy; there is no judgment. We’ll need to know if you shower or prefer to lounge in a bath. Will you be cooking with children? Do you play sports and require aerated storage for your equipment? Laundry particulars? We’ll want to know that too! The more we understand your lifestyle, needs and schedules, including any future plans, the better we can design your home.”
She adds, “The best way to start is just by collecting images.”
Even if you think that all your styles are different, there is always, as Ami calls it, the “golden thread” that ties it all together. Designers look for and can easily find patterns.
Pinterest and Houzz are great platforms to keep you organized. There is no need to organize by room, although if this makes you happy, create multiple boards. Make notes on why a picture catches your attention. Is it a feature of the room, the lighting, the colour, the flooring, or a piece of artwork that caught your eye? Notes will help you share these details with your designer.
Now, if you can’t see this golden thread as you pin away, don’t worry. Only 20 per cent of the population sees visually, so the rest of us must rely on those who can—like interior designers!
Love the home where you live, and find an interior designer right for your project at
室內設計師 滿足您對家的想像
HAVAN的會員,同時也是Pure Design首席室內設計師的Ami McKay指出,室內設計師的工作就是將您的住所與個人風格完美結合。所以,無論是裝修房屋,還是建造居所,室內設計師的職責便是滿足您對家的想像。
手機應用程式濱趣 (Pinterest) 與網絡設計平臺 ( HOUZZ ) 是很好的應用工具。做出標記,註明爲何這張照片吸引到你?到底是屋內照明,顔色,地面,或是一件藝術品吸引到您的注意力?這些標記可以幫助您在細節層面上與設計師交流。