Words Lisa Manfield
Photography Lia Crowe, Sheila Say + Mike Bradley Visuals
Styling Sarah D’Arcey
Makeup Heather Nightingale
Buying a ticket to the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation Dream Lottery offers a chance to win the home of your dreams, while supporting groundbreaking research in conquering childhood illness.

We could all use a ray of hope in the midst of difficult times. BC Children’s Hospital continues to deliver ray after ray, with discoveries and innovations on health issues as wide-ranging as childhood cancers to diabetes, and stem cell research to youth mental health. Driven by donor support, over 1,200 researchers affiliated with BC Children’s Hospital are redefining the limits of pediatric medicine for kids who need help—today and tomorrow.
Attracting some of the brightest minds in child health, the hospital campus represents one of the few fully integrated medical campuses in Canada.
BC Children’s Hospital and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, along with mental health, developmental services and rehabilitation facilities, are all located on one campus. This allows researchers and clinicians to immediately translate new research insights into hospital care and, conversely, take insights from care back to the research lab.
Most experts here work as both clinicians and researchers, allowing them to see the results of their research firsthand and apply them to future studies.
Last year, BC Children’s Hospital treated over 138,000 children, diagnosing serious illnesses, applying life-saving treatments, and supporting patients’ physical and mental health. This care is all powered by research.
Working at the forefront of complex health challenges requires resources and every donation truly matters, says Dr. Quynh Doan, Interim Senior Executive Director and Director of Clinical Research at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.
“The lottery funds cutting-edge research in all different areas of pediatric medicine. These contributions not only directly support the efforts taking place to research novel treatments and care for kids, but also inspire and motivate researchers at BC Children’s Hospital.”

Sharing is truly caring
BC Children’s Hospital Foundation ensures that all funds raised are well managed and used for maximum impact on child health, in part by amplifying donor contributions. Every dollar donated to the Research Institute, for example, generates an additional five dollars from other sources, and donor support drives change and innovation, powers the generation of new ideas and accelerates discovery.
“Most of us have been touched by the selfless work of the team at BC Children’s Hospital, and buying a ticket means you’re joining in the fight to conquer childhood illnesses.”
“Donor contributions help support the baseline infrastructure, including growing the expertise we hold at the Research Institute,” says Dr. Doan. “And they also help with specific projects that allow us to hire research staff, approach families and collect data.”
One of the many donor-supported projects Dr. Doan is working on is the development of a Knowledge Centre that will enable communication between scientists, clinicians and a wider audience. This will help better inform the research taking place at BC Children’s.
“With support from our donors, we’re building the team to get the work done and develop two-way communication—from children and their families, back to clinicians, and then back to scientists. Research is like a team sport,” she says. “It involves many roles, and being able to communicate with everyone involved is critical.”
The beautiful benefits of support
Supporting the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute through the Dream Lottery means you can feel good about contributing to major breakthroughs in child health research. And it also offers the chance to dream about winning the ultimate dream home.
One of the many fabulous prizes on the roster for this year’s Dream Lottery is this stylishly outfitted five-bedroom, four-and-a-half bathroom, 4,385-square-foot South Surrey home.
It comes complete with an oversized gourmet kitchen plus an additional wok kitchen, custom-designed dining room, personal gym and yoga studio, and finished basement level that can be used as a two-bedroom rental suite.

“The design is very multi-functional,” says stylist Kenji Chik, head/lead designer for La-Z-Boy Furniture and Home Design, who oversaw the selection of furnishings and decor for this prize home. “With inflation, everything is more expensive, so when we buy something, we want to think about how to reuse it.”
Chik added versatile elements throughout the home, with an eye to furnishings and decor that reflect seasonal trends and long-term usability.
“In the entranceway between the foyer and living room, for example, I incorporated a pair of small cube-sized ottomans to accent the space. It’s a seat where you can take off your shoes, and once you walk into the living room, it also becomes part of that space.”
He also accentuated the bedrooms and living spaces with cool summer palettes such as blue and yellow, cosy terracottas and lavenders, as well as timeless blacks and whites. Organic materials such as rattan, linen and braided fringes add a natural element to the decor. And prints and patterns bring a pop of visual interest to ceilings, sofas and dining chair backings.

What’s new this year?
“One of the eight grand prize choices is a pair of homes,” says lottery spokesperson Erin Cebula. “Choosing them gives you the option of living in one, renting out the other, or filling both with family and friends.”
The design is very multi-functional. With inflation, everything is more expensive, so when we buy something, we want to think about how to reuse it.”
Cebula notes that each of the eight prize packages amounts to a dream come true, and that buying a ticket for this year’s Dream Lottery means advancing world-leading research initiatives that can ultimately save lives.
“Most of us have been touched by the selfless work of the team at BC Children’s Hospital,” she says, “and buying a ticket means you’re joining in the fight to conquer childhood illnesses.”
You can buy your ticket to the BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery now at: bcchildren.com.
在困難的時候,我們總是抱有一綫希望。BC 兒童醫院研究所在兒童癌症、糖尿病、幹細胞研究和青少年心理健康等方面不斷帶來突破和創新,為我們帶來一絲絲希望的光芒。

在捐贈者的支持下,BC 兒童醫院的 1200 多名研究人員正在重新定義當代和未來兒科醫學的極限,以幫助那些需要幫助的孩子。該醫院園區吸引了兒童健康領域最優秀的人才,也是加拿大少數幾個完全一體化的醫療園區之一。
BC 兒童醫院、 BC 兒童醫院研究所,以及心理健康、成長服務和康復設施位於同一園區內,令研究人員和臨床醫生能夠立即將新的研究成果應用於醫院護理工作,同時,將應用成效反饋回研究實驗室。
去年,BC 兒童醫院治療超過 13.8 萬名兒童,診斷出嚴重的疾病,應用拯救生命的治療方法,並支持病人的身體和精神健康,這種護理全部由研究所提供。
BC 兒童醫院研究所臨時高級執行主任兼臨床研究主任 Quynh Doan 醫生說,“在應對複雜健康挑戰的最前沿工作需要資源,每一筆捐款都至關重要。”
“彩票資助了兒科醫學所有領域的尖端研究。這些捐款不僅直接支持了正在進行的新型治療方法的研究和兒童護理,還激勵並鼓舞了 BC 兒童醫院的研究人員。”

BC 兒童醫院基金會確保善用所籌款項,確保對兒童健康產生的積極影響最大化,其中之一就是將捐款額倍增。例如,每捐給研究所一元都會從其他來源產生額外五元,這種捐助推動了變革與創新,加速促進了新想法、新發現。
“捐款有助於支持基綫基礎設施,包括豐富研究所的專業知識,”Quynh Doan 醫生說。“還幫助開展具體項目,令我們能夠僱用研究人員,吸引更多家庭的加入並收集數據。”
Quynh Doan 醫生目前正在開發一個知識中心,它是衆多捐贈者資助的項目之一,令科學家、臨床醫生和更廣泛的受眾之間進行交流。這將有助於更好地瞭解在 BC 兒童醫院進行的研究。

購買 BC 兒童醫院基金會夢想彩票,意味著您為兒童健康研究的重大突破做出了貢獻,您應該爲此感到欣慰,另外還有機會贏取您的夢想之家。
今年 BC 兒童醫院夢想彩票的眾多獎品中,有一個是位於素里。裝修時尚的住宅,擁有五間臥室和四間半浴室,面積 4385 平方呎。

La-Z-Boy 傢俱和家居設計公司首席設計師 Kenji Chik 負責這個獲獎住宅的傢俱和裝飾設計,他說,“通貨膨脹下,所有東西都更貴了,所以我們在選購的時候,需要考慮耐用性。”
Chik 在整個住宅中加入多功能元素,在傢俱和裝飾方面著眼於季節性和長期可用性。

“作爲八個頭獎的選項之一,這個獎品其實是兩套住宅,”彩票發言人 Erin Cebula 說,“選擇它們,你可以選擇自己住一套,出租一套,或者請家人和朋友同住。”
Cebula 指出,八個頭獎選項的每一個都可謂夢想成真,購買今年的夢想彩票意味著促進世界領先的研究計劃,最終可以拯救生命。
她說:“我們大多數人都被 BC 兒童醫院團隊的無私奉獻所感動,購買彩票意味著您加入到征服兒童疾病的戰鬥中。”
欲購買彩票,請到 BC 兒童醫院夢想彩票的網站bcchildren.com 。