Styling Jen Evans, Photography Lia Crowe
Boulevard visits the British Columbia Aviation Museum to celebrate the history of aviation in our province alongside spring fashion that gives a nod to a glamorous bygone era. Bomber jackets, travel suits and 1940s glamour will propel you into the season of open horizons and adventures.
帶著春天的問候,我們 Boulevard 雜誌訪問卑詩省航空博物館,慶祝本省的航空歷史,並以一襲春裝向迷人的逝去的時代致意。轟炸機夾克、旅行套裝和1940年代的時尚帶領讀者進入一個開放和冒險的季節。

Makeup and hair by Jen Clark. Model Dani Parkinson.
Photographed on location at the BC Aviation Museum. A huge thank you to the museum for graciously hosting our team for the day and introducing us to such a treasure trove of BC history.