撰文: Bowen Zhang圖片: Jeni Chen 一個愛畫畫的小男孩, 因為大人叫他專注學業而停止了畫畫。但是他卻發現世界失去了色彩, 他必須去發掘瞭解自己, 才能把顏色找回來。 這個故事來自Jeni Chen即將出版的兒童書《Emet's Box》,也是她自己的心路歷程。 從小熱愛繪畫的Jeni來自台灣,14歲時隨父母移民到加拿大。長大後選擇了比較”實用“的專業,在實驗室做研究助理,直到兒子出生,她終於找回了初心。 “兒子出生後, 我在家裡帶小孩, …
Penfolds Celebrates The 70th Anniversary of Grange
Two New Limited-Edition Releases Penfolds has been pivotal in Australian winemaking, with a history and heritage that goes back to 1844. This year, Penfolds flagship wine, Grange, celebrates 70 years of unbroken vintage releases, redolent with aromatic complexity, rich …
1951年–皇家遺產; 1967年–精心製作的烈酒; 1979年–設計精美的橡木桶; 1980年–永不停歇的夢想家; 1995年–經典形象的創造; 2000年–邁向千禧新年 在今年10月香港蘇富比全球拍賣會上,將推出獨一無二的 The Dalmore Decades 大摩鎏金時代6號典藏─一套六瓶,橫跨60年的極稀有紀念版威士忌,全數將捐給蘇格蘭設計博物館V&A …
Leeta LiepinsnOur City Tonight節目主持人,該節目每週日中午12:30在CityTV播放。LifewithLeeta @OurCityTonightn 那時的生活簡單而甜蜜。一切都是簡單而甜蜜的。櫻桃的味道,涼爽的樹蔭,河流的新鮮氣味。我們就是這樣生活的,在山間的谷地,避開暴風雨。對世界一無所知,就像在一個島上。寧靜而無憂無慮。然後。然後一切都變了。”西里爾 佩德羅薩 Cyril …
Makeup Artis Mimi Choi 直面夢魘 恐懼化為靈感
文:Charlene Ling圖:Mimi Choi 你會選擇怎麼樣面對恐懼?從記事起,Mimi Choi(徐婕)就受到夢魘的困擾,夢見各種各樣令人不安的場面。但最終這些恐懼化為靈感,讓她創作出一個又一個作品。 特效化妝師Mimi …
Skywalk 空中漫步
Talitha dress in rose ($655) by Ulla Johnson; Bronze Smoke Collar ($390) and Anni Earrings ($240), both by Lizzie Fortunato and all from from Bernstein & Gold. 攝影:Lia Crowe 造型:Jen Evans / Katherine Suna High above the tree line, overlooking a cast of turkey …
RISING above the noise – Carrie Barlow
WORDS Lauren Kramer > PHOTOGRAPHY Lia Crowe Founder of Barlow Media, Carrie Barlow is a woman at the helm of an industry where her clients share a singular goal: to rise above the marketplace noise and get their messages heard. Carrie’s specialty is …
A noteworthy cause 空間與身心的共鳴
These prize homes reveal like music to your senses BC Children’s Hospital Dream Lottery has done it again this year with a lineup of prize homes that will strike the right chord with anyone who is inspired to support paediatric health care advances in this …
Pedalling Portugal
The last of Europe’s wild coasts Words + Photography by Suzanne Morphet It was the solitude that struck us first. As we helped our driver unload our bikes and cycling gear in Vila Nova de Milfontes, my husband and I felt alone for the first time since arriving …
À votre santé!
Raise your glass to making it through a challenging18 months Words Ellie Shortt, Photography Lia Crowe I have a confession to make: I enjoy coming up with cocktail concoctions slightly more than I do food recipes. Perhaps it’s because the task is a tad novel since I’m a …