文:Yan Feng圖:Rolls-Royce 當野餐成爲一種風尚,英國品牌勞斯萊斯推出的香檳櫃則立刻成爲奢華野餐的典範。 香檳櫃的外形設計來自V12引擎,主體結構由鋁合金和碳纖維,以及橡木製成,外用真皮皮革包裹。輕輕按鈕,箱子徐徐展開,呈現出四人用的精美餐具空間。托盤,香檳杯,魚子醬,珍珠母貝小湯勺,冷藏桶一應俱全。從材質的選用,到高超的設計,無不凸顯萊斯萊斯對細節和卓越的一貫堅持。 無論是擁有,還是搭乘勞斯萊斯,香檳櫃令奢華野餐如影相隨。 …
Summer Outdoor Living Space 夏日戶外私密空間
文:Yan Feng 圖:Livingspace 夏日的午後,在院子裏的樹蔭下,與家人朋友享受簡餐與茶點,在藤椅上讀會兒書,打個盹兒,夏天的生活可以如此簡單,愜意。我們精選幾款溫哥華Livingspace代理的部分戶外家具著名品牌,兼顧設計與實用性,滿足不同的審美需求。在屬於自己和家人的戶外私密空間,親近大自然,感受陽光的煦暖,度過輕鬆寫意的夏日。 Magis Spin Chair 來自HERMAN MILLER Surf Sofa, 來自Molteni _ C Dada …
Dear Summer – Vicki Smith 親愛的夏天
文:Bowen Zhang圖:Bau-xi Gallery “我喜歡溫暖的天氣,不過, 大部分時間都窩在畫室内畫畫,任由外面春去秋來。”多倫多畫家Vicki Smith說,“比如Dear …
Femininity Reclaimed 蕾絲裙 女人味的回歸
words + PHOTOGRAPHY LIA CROWEAll dressed by Reclamation Designs available atwearereclamation.com Makeup and hair by Erica Harris and Erin Bradley Trista Smith, creator and owner of Reclamation Designs, invites Boulevard to Reclamation’s studio headquarters for a day of …
2021 Porsche Cayenne GTS & Cayenne GTS Coupé 保時捷Cayenne GTS:重返八缸
文:Spark Tube Studio圖:Porsche 保時捷Cayenne車系正式推出全新 GTS 與 GTS Coupé 兩款車型,搭配4.0升V型八缸雙渦輪引擎,帶來渾厚的聲浪與更強大的馬力與扭力,進一步推升車輛性能。兩款 GTS 車型皆可在 4.5 秒內完成 0 至 100 km/h 加速,極速達 270 km/h。而運動型的視覺外觀以及GTS的專屬配備延續 Cayenne GTS 車型的傳奇。 更強引擎 全新Cayenne GTS與Cayenne GTS Coupé 採用4.0 升V8 …
2021 Porsche Cayenne GTS & Cayenne GTS Coupé 保時捷Cayenne GTS:重返八缸Read More
WE CAN DO IT (ALL) 我們完全可以做到
Words: Leeta Liepins As Michael Chabon famously noted, “Man makes plans…God laughs.” Well, here we are. As the tipping point for the COVID crisis gradually recedes from the apocalyptic event horizon, what challenges must we overcome en route to the cautious re-opening of …
Creative Collaboration
Exquisite, Red Tree luxury in lottery grand-prize home PHOTOGRAPHY Sheila Say WORDS JOE LEARY, PHOTOGRAPHY ALFONSO ARNOLD As designer and builder of the BC Children’s Lottery Dream Home, Vic Sanghera has been the man behind many of Vancouver’s luxury …
Home Away from Home
An art-full vacation that’s perfect for the times WORDS SUSAN LUNDY X PHOTOGRAPHY TODD BYRNES eat.The Pointe Restaurant at the Wickaninnish Inn. With panoramic, 240-degree views of the Pacific Ocean, surrounding islands and wildlife, The Pointe Restaurant offers the …
The Drama of Flamenco
WORDS LIN STRANBERG X LEVENT ERUTKU PHOTOGRAPHY “One, two, three, four—good, let’s check our fingers once the arms are over our heads and make sure the energy’s there.” Flamenco artist Maria Avila and her student, both in all black, are practicing in front of studio …
Grain of Truth
Flourist mills up bouquet of fresh grains and breads Words Gail Johnson X Photos by Lia Crowe These days, more and more people want to know where their food comes from. Yet while we tend to seek out the source of foods like vegetables, fruit, poultry and meat, it’s …