Origen’s plant-based filters take air purification to a new level Words Tess van StraatenPhotography Lia Crowe Serial entrepreneur Andrew Crawford is passionate about plants, but the origin of his latest venture—Origen Air—came after an unlikely discovery. “Origen Air …
Brands for Better
Uniting for meaningful change Words Lauren KramerPhotography Lia Crowe Many companies talk the talk when it comes to “giving back,” “working sustainably” and improving the environment around them. While these catch phrases are ubiquitous and well intentioned, they often …
撰文:Feng Yan 風靡全球的美國時尚品牌 Allbirds 零售店 6 月 23 日在溫哥華 Kitsilano 開門營業,這是該品牌在加拿大的首間實體店。 “Allbirds 的品牌和產品與溫哥華的生活方式融合得非常好:休閒、戶外、健康和保健的中心。Kitsilano 社區是最典型的例子。”Allbirds 共同創辦人 Joey …
BC’s First Carbon-neutral Hotel Inn at Laurel Point:引領酒店業綠色革命
撰文:Bowen Zhang圖片:Inn at Laurel Point 華燈初上,在維多利亞 Inn at Laurel Point 酒店參加畢業派對的年輕人盛裝出席,隨著音樂自由舞動。但組織者和酒店已經針對狂歡派對留下的碳足跡制定出一份“減排方案”。 “我們根據參加人數,他們從哪裏來,準備吃什麼,估算讓活動達到碳中和的成本。“酒店營銷總監Brooke Harris 說,”一旦策劃者決定采納,我們就開始工作,將所有的活動細節(精細到最後一塊巧克力)輸入計算器,計算出活動的碳足跡( tCO2e …
BC’s First Carbon-neutral Hotel Inn at Laurel Point:引領酒店業綠色革命Read More
Down to a fine art
Gallerist Jennifer Kostuik reflects on 25 years Words Lauren Kramer X Photography Lia Crowe It’s a thundering, rain-filled day in April, but there’s a peace and calm that hovers over Kostuik Gallery on Vancouver’s Homer Street. In a 3,000-sqaure-foot space filled with …
Out of the woods 北方荒野行動
撰文: Sean McIntyre 來自溫哥華島 Mill Bay 的一對兄弟 Matt Sager 和 Steve Sager 也許從未想過,他們的極端愛好不僅帶來一份穩定收入,還上了一個全國性的電視系列節目。然而,當這對兄弟的新節目《Lost Car Rescue》今年初在加拿大歷史頻道播出時,一切成爲現實。 該節目講述了一隊 “汽車獵手 “飛越加拿大北部荒野,尋找被遺棄在灌木叢中的廢棄車輛。一旦確認潛在目標,就開始籌劃將其救出,送回文明社會,對車輛進行全面修復。 “我們的所作所爲是一場艱苦的戰鬥。”Matt …
Full throttle ahead
Aly Jiwani turns a love of cars into top sales and leadership roles Words LAUREN KRAMERPhotography LIA CROWE If there’s one passion driving Aly Jiwani forward, it’s his love for selling cars. The 43-year-old Vancouverite’s career has been on an upward trajectory since …
Grace Kwok: the First Lady of presale 郭陳雅佩: 樓花預售第一人
撰文: Lauren Kramer攝影: Lia Crowe 馳騁溫哥華地產界四十載,安信地產(Anson Realty)聯合創始人郭陳雅佩(Grace Kwok)已經功成名就。20 世紀 80 年代,她在低陸平原首創了樓花預售的概念,為開發商銷售樓盤,在新樓破土動工之前就已將數千個單位賣給了業主和投資者。 在她的倡議下,開發商設立了帶有示範單位的售樓中心,讓潛在的買家可以親眼看到未來的居所,如今已被證實,這一營銷策略極爲有效。 對於她的成功,Grace 依舊保持謙遜,將此歸咎於天時、地利與人和。 1968 年,當 Grace …
Grace Kwok: the First Lady of presale 郭陳雅佩: 樓花預售第一人Read More
RISING above the noise – Carrie Barlow
WORDS Lauren Kramer > PHOTOGRAPHY Lia Crowe Founder of Barlow Media, Carrie Barlow is a woman at the helm of an industry where her clients share a singular goal: to rise above the marketplace noise and get their messages heard. Carrie’s specialty is …
Italian Stallions
Riding high in a Ferrari WORDS Lauren Kramer X PHOTOGRAPHY Lia Crowe Nothing says Italian craftsmanship quite like a Ferrari. These spectacular vehicles, known for their combination of speed, sleek design and hefty price tags, never fail to capture attention. Admired and …