The healing waters of Halcyon Hot Springs Resort calm the whole system in a landscape that inspires awe Words & Photography: Lia Crowe Over the resplendent peaks of distant mountains, dark clouds tinged with purple and orange spill towards Arrow Lake like an avalanche …
All the way north 一路向北 探索BC自駕游
Destination BC, Photo by Andrew Strain 撰文:Bowen Zhang圖片:Bowen Zhang、Destination BC、Cadillac Canada 過了 Whistler,在鬱鬱葱葱的99號公路 Pamberton 路段蜿蜒前行後不久,我們似乎進入另一個世界。滿眼望去地貌蠻荒,接近於沙漠景觀,加上四周峭壁聳立,氣勢逼人,令人驚嘆大自然的鬼斧神工,這就是著名的Fraser峽谷 (Fraser Canyon) 地貌。 防疫措施鬆綁后,本來我希望自駕游重走淘金路,從 Hope 前往内陸小鎮 …
Perfect Weekend Getaway Okanagan 品酒之旅
文/圖:Charlene Ling 美景、美酒、美食 – 省內或許沒有一個地方比Okanagan更能代表這三個詞語。七月盛夏,來一場說走就走的品酒之旅。 Kelowna 是 Okanagan 區內最大的城市,乾燥的沙漠型內陸氣候及充足的陽光造就了種植葡萄的天然優勢。作為加西著名的葡萄酒之鄉,當地有超過40間酒莊。從溫哥華出發,驅車400公里、約四小時即到達。沿途公路景色美不勝收,好心情已經準備就緒。 藝術莊園 Mission Hill酒莊 座落在西 Kelowna 的山丘之上的 Mission Hill …
seeking & solace
Kayaking Northern Vancouver Island WORDS Linda Doctoroff X PHOTOGRAPHY Tom Perry Swoosh…dip, swoosh…dip, swoosh…dip and smack! Less than 50 metres from our kayaks, the humpback’s fluke whacks the water as it dives deep searching for krill. Last summer, I left the …
Out of the Northwest Passage 真正的加拿大探險
撰文:Suzanne Morphet "我有點好消息和一些糟糕的消息。"當我們焦急地聚集在船上的休息室時,我們的探險隊長宣佈。 這只是我們隨加拿大探險公司(Adventure Canada) 穿越西北航道(Northwest Passage)的第三天,誰也不知道會發生什麼。 "我們不得不取消Gjoa Haven,"Jason Edmunds解釋說,每小時50公里的風速令我們無法在這裏登陸,這,可是我們最期待的一站。 Gjoa Haven不僅因其因紐特人的雕刻而聞名,也是一個歷史熱點。 挪威探險家Roald …
Wine, wildlife and a wicked little getaway
Words + Photography: Suzanne Morphet I might have walked into a John Constable landscape from the early 19th century. Clouds billow up a mountainside that’s dusted with fresh snow. In the foreground, a pond reflects the sky and surrounding forest in a watery blur of red, …
Malta the amazing
This European country has a little bit of everything Another view of Popeye Village. WORDS & PHOTOGRAPHY by BRIAN ARGYLE “Malta! How interesting.” That was my Uncle Ray’s reply, when I emailed to say we were visiting Malta for three weeks. Ray, a prolific …
The other side of the mountain
Whistler is more than a snow lover’s playground Scandinave Spa in Whistler. Words by Susan Lundy It’s a wintery Monday morning and each of my five senses zings with life as I move between warm, cold and relax cycles at the outdoor Scandinave Spa in Whistler. Sitting …
Wild & Churchill
Up close with polar bears Photo by George Turner By Suzanne Morphet e’re casually watching a pair of frisky Arctic foxes playing on the shoreline of Hudson Bay when our guide arrives with welcome news. A polar bear has been spotted. It’s half a kilometre away and …
Finding peace of mind in Whistler 在惠斯勒尋找心靈的寧靜
文:Bowen Zhang 深秋的惠斯勒Lost Lake,靜謐迷人。“Lost Lake,失落之湖,很有詩意。”我喃喃自語,耳邊響起歌手伍佰的歌聲 “那裏湖面總是澄清,那裏空氣充滿寧靜…”的確,湖面如此平靜;此時此刻,我的內心也如湖水般平靜。 親近自然 蕩滌身心 很難想像,大約一萬四千年前,這裏還是一片冰原,冰層厚度達一千五百米,足以覆蓋整個惠斯勒(Whistler)地區。後來冰川融化,巨大冰塊不斷脫落,滲透到沙石和裂縫中,最終形成今天的惠斯勒附近的Lost Lake ,Alta Lake ,Alpha Lake,Nita …